
If your customers aren’t raving about your company on social media like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you’re probably not bringing in the revenue you could be. A recent Nielsen survey found that consumers trust word-of-mouth recommendations more than any other form of advertising.

Many CEOs and executives know this-and would like to learn more about social media to improve their company’s marketing strategy-but will never have time to dig into the details. As a result, they miss out on the powerful benefits of having their fans sell their brand to potential customers, for free.

In this time-saving seminar, you will pick up the critical, high-level information you need to guide your company’s strategy on sites like Facebook from leading expert and best-selling author Dave Kerpen, co-founder and CEO of the high-profile social media and word-of-mouth marketing firm Likeable and author of Likeable Business: Why Today’s Consumers Demand More and How Leaders Can Deliver.

You will learn :

  • How to listen effectively to what people are saying about your company in social media
  • The best way to respond to comments posted online, whether they are positive or negative
  • Money-saving strategies for telling the story of your brand outside of traditional media, using websites, social networks, online videos, pictures and webinars
  • How to communicate in a way that conveys transparency and authenticity
  • Creative ideas for showcasing the personality of your company

Even if you are a regular user of social media, you have probably found that your favorite communities are evolving so fast that it’s hard to keep pace with the most important new features they offer. Don’t miss out. Set aside time this week to watch this online seminar with your team-and get ready to reap the benefits of having customers sing your company’s praises, without being asked

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