
What does pumpkin farming have to do with running your business? It may seem strange, but in this seminar Mike connects the dots and shows you how to grow your company like the smartest farmers grow their products. You have to select the right “seeds,” analyze the “sprouts,” “water” them the right way, and “prune” your crop. This course provides specific instruction and strategies that yield fast, organic and healthy business growth.

In this seminar, you will learn:

  • The three elements necessary to position your business for explosive growth, regardless of what stage your business is in
  • The “frequency” strategy that quickly positions your business or your division as an industry authority
  • Why you must (and how to) continually remove the small “pumpkins” that inhibit growth
  • Why you should focus on quality over quantity by building a business based on uniqueness, customer demand, and systemization
  • How to analyze your existing customer base to identify the true best customers and with that knowledge, then learn how to clone them
  • Why it’s crucial to do one thing extremely well
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