
Keynote speaker Denise Lee Yohn has cracked the code on brand-building and shows you exactly what you need to take your brand from good to great. You know how great brands dominate their fields.  You experience it every time you pay a premium for a certain type of jeans, or see a line of people camping out to catch the newest smart phone release. Brand expert Denise Lee Yohn shows you how to achieve rock star brand status.

Drawing from case studies, analyses, and interviews with brand leaders from the world’s leading brands, she shows you what great brands do and how to achieve the kind of brand leadership that everyone -- from customers to employees to investors -- wants a piece of.

In this seminar, you will learn to:

  • Get more power and value out of your brand
  • Implement brand-building actions that differentiate your brand, cultivate true customer loyalty, and increase your profit margin
  • Understand the difference between branding and brand-building and why it matters
  • Design and manage customer experiences that are emotional, memorable, and impactful
  • Align, motivate, and empower employees and other stakeholders to interpret and reinforce your brand appropriately
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