
Wouldn’t it be cool if we could masterfully program the most incredible computer in the planet?.... The Human Brain.

For over 30 years Leadership and Culture Coach, Christine Comaford, has been helping leaders navigate growth and change. She is best known for helping her clients create predictable revenue, deeply engaged and passionate teams, and highly profitable growth. She delivers these impactful outcomes as a result of her decades of building her own and her clients’ business plus her expertise in human behavior and applied neuroscience.

In this course, “Motivate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere” Christine teaches us all about the learning and implementation of simple tools to help employees step into a completely new state of mind. In this state, they can increase their feeling of fulfillment at work, avoid burn out, increase focus, increase clarity, increase influence, and more.

We are deeply emotional beings driven by profound, subterraneous, subconscious programing and, once we understand how emotion and intellect work together; we can loop somebody subconsciously and walk forward to a win-win future.

In this course you will learn:

•    The brain´s real secret for change
•    The 3 deepest, subconscious desires lurking in the 90% of your brain that dominates and drives behavior
•    5 tools to create deep emotional engagement

Dive in and learn exactly how to get employees, and everyone around you, into the zone where they perform at their highest levels of potential.

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