
Mike Maddock is an entrepreneur, an inventor, a writer and a keynote speaker. Mike calls himself an Idea Monkey because he loves to solve problems with disruptive ideas. This passion for problem solving led him to establish Maddock Douglas, Inc. in 1991. Maddock Douglas has become an internationally recognized innovation agency that helps leading corporations invent and launch new products, services and business models. It is the perfect place for Idea Monkeys and the (Ring) Leaders who keep them on track. Entrepreneurship is a big part of Mike’s life. As an adult (we really don’t need to talk about the lawn care business and greeting card company he started in college), Mike has launched three successful businesses. He also cochairs the Gathering of Titans entrepreneurial conclave at MIT, he is past president of Entrepreneurs’ Organization and future president of Young Presidents’ Organization, both chapters located in Chicago. A doodler, turned cartoonist, turned author, Mike has been using words and pictures to get laughs and build ideas his entire life. Today, Mike is a featured innovation columnist for Bloomberg Businessweek and author of “Free the Idea Monkey” and “Brand New: How Great Brands Invent and Launch New Products, Services, and Business Models.” Both books will be available by January 2012. Mike is a frequent keynote speaker and has a passion for inspiring and empowering innovation leaders by helping them build the types of culture and processes that lead to new product success.


ID Course Name Duration Start Date
Libera el Mono de las Ideas00:52:27February 28, 2025
Free the Idea Monkey00:52:26February 28, 2025