
As founder of Cash Flow Story, Alan Miltz has developed financial analysis techniques that have become a global standard for businesses, CPAs and banks. These techniques are now being used in 30 countries by over 20,000 customers including 500 leading banks.

Alan was the co-founder of Cash Flow Story in 2013, and the diagnostic principles are now changing the way business leaders are reviewing their financial performance.  He was also one of the co-authors of the bestselling  book Scaling Up by Verne Harnish.

His concentrated business savvy has also assisted a large number of Australian companies to successfully raise debt finance from the major financial institutions to over $1.4B to date.  Alan is a previous Best Speaker in Australia for TEC, the world’s largest CEO forum, and has been invited as a guest speaker at many CEO conferences globally,  including the United States, where he presented to over 3000 leading CEOs in 2015.

Alan is a highly-recognized speaker and a keynote presenter for the Entrepreneurs Organization over the past five years, including presentations at their Entrepreneurs’ Universities in Tokyo, Berlin and Boston MIT. He is currently of the board over 13 well-recognized Australian companies.


ID Course Name Duration Start Date
El flujo de efectivo manda00:49:23February 28, 2025
Cash Flow is King00:49:23February 28, 2025